The helmet sits atop a metal pod with a cyan interior that forms the torso of the robot, with another green crystal in front of the belly. It has a green crystal on its forehead and two purple crystals either side of its head, with a green circular design on top that resembles a bicycle helmet’s design. The M.A.D’s mask has two foreboding green eyes with a triangular “mouth” with two green gas-mask-esque cylinders and two purple pipes either side. It now wears a huge, dark mech suit, making it much larger than its predecessors. The M.A.D is no longer the Dartling Gunner it used to be. Blast radius for each ability missile also increases from 8 to 12. Every ability missile deals 5 damage per missile, improved to 9 Ceramic damage and 23 MOAB-class damage, which cleans up both Super Ceramics and MOAB-class quite effectively.

In addition, the M.A.D improves its Rocket Storm ability further, shooting 15 waves of larger missiles for 8 seconds, with 0.5s between each wave, and allows each rocket storm missile explosion to damage up to 18 bloons instead of 8. It fires missiles every 0.4s alternating between each arm, and each missile has 12 pierce each and explodes up to 6 times (+2 pierce and +1 explosion with Powerful Darts) due to its multi-explosion mechanic. However, it attacks much slower and missile shots alternate between each arm, reducing its overall accuracy. Individual missile collisions inflict a massive +550 MOAB-class damage, and producing multiple explosions per collision that deal 3 damage to all bloons including the initial target, each hit inflicting up to 553 damage to a single MOAB-class bloon. Its much larger missiles now deal extreme damage to MOAB-class bloons.
#Bloon td upgrade#
M.A.D ( MOAB Assured Destroyer, mostly abbreviated as MAD) is the Tier 5 upgrade of Path 2 for the Dartling Gunner in Bloons TD 6. Slower firing mega missiles deal extreme damage to MOAB class Bloons.