
General thoughts and observations on life
General thoughts and observations on life

general thoughts and observations on life
  1. #General thoughts and observations on life how to
  2. #General thoughts and observations on life full

As the following transcript of Darwin’s notes reveals, he closely observed the development of his first child, William Erasmus, the stages of his development suggesting to Darwin those expressions which are instinctive and those which are learned. And as early as 1839 Darwin had begun to collect information on the behaviour of infants from his relatives with young families. However, it was Darwin’s personal experience of fatherhood that was central to his formulation of the questions he was to pursue regarding the nature of the expression of emotions. As with much of his other work, Darwin gathered additional information on the expression of emotions by questioning his numerous scientific correspondents and, in 1867, by preparing a printed questionnaire. He solicited information from those best situated to observe expressions made by children, people of different races, lunatics, the blind, and animals.

general thoughts and observations on life

#General thoughts and observations on life full

The full text of the notebook is available below. To my country- International business makes the economy boom and stabilizes the income of the state.Charles Darwin’s observations on the development of his children, began the research that culminated in his book The Expression of the emotions in man and animals, published in 1872, and his article ‘A biographical sketch of an infant’, published in Mind in 1877. These jobs are very important because it the source of income for many. To my community- International business brought jobs to communities. To myself- International business helped me to taste food from another country, used things made from abroad To my country- Without the benefits of marketing, our country will not prosper economically so it is very important that marketing is present at all costs. To my community- It allows trade and livelihood to the people.

#General thoughts and observations on life how to

It will also help me how to handle a business of my own someday. To myself- It allows me to buy what I need.

general thoughts and observations on life

To my country- Through social work, the government is able to deliver its services through the communities. To my community- Social work helped address problems in the community like malnutrition, poverty, family planning, and many more. To myself- Social work helped me receive goods and services from the government and NGOs.

general thoughts and observations on life

To my country- It added revenue to the treasury of the government, promotes business and trade, and served as a platform too to communicate to the people in the state. To my community- It allows trade and business to thrive, allows news and current affairs to pass through. To myself- It helped me to become up to date and choose the whatnots and what haves. To my country- It helped the country address mental health issues, and support programs of the government especially on the welfare of the people. To my community- It helped people in distress especially those who are abused, those who are undergoing addiction, stress, trauma, and a lot more. To myself- It helped me understand what is going on in my life and guided me to overcome challenges and difficulties. To my country- It allows the government to reach out to people even on the farthest island and transmit important matters to the people about current events, and many more. To my community- It helped in the implementation of ordinances, announcements, ease of transactions, and many more. It allows me to access educational materials and interact with my teachers and classmates. To myself- It helped me to continue my studies in spite of the pandemic. To my country- Education produced professionals, peace-loving citizens who are to become assets to the country and not liabilities. To my community- Education helped the community by producing civilized people in the society To myself- Education paved the way for me to learn how to read with comprehension and write my feelings or ideas coherently.

General thoughts and observations on life